Verizon iPhone Release Date – Nexus One Verizon Updates – Verizon Wireless Phone – People now are searching for the much awaited Verizon iPhone release date today. According to rumors, the Verizon iPhone is set to be released in the market this summer of 2010. And tentative date of release is April 3. Some reports from other technology sites say that the iPhone HD is coming on Tuesday, June 22nd, and it will mark the end of AT&T’s reign as the Cupertino-based company is also working with Verizon Wireless on a CDMA iPhone. Such device was long-rumored and it’s always the right time to end exclusivity agreements and everybody knows that this means good business for Apple. On the said launching date, it will also released on the same tday the iPad for US Market. So you better watch out for our post with the release of iPad for US markets. Please watch out for the release date of Verizon iPhone as we will feature more details and specs of the said popular and much awaited gadget. Verizon iPhone Release Date – Nexus One Verizon Updates – Verizon Wireless Phone is a post from: Daily World Buzz
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Verizon iPhone Release Date – Nexus One Verizon Updates – Verizon Wireless Phone