Watch New Victim Of “Fix-A-Flat Cakes” Transvestite Fake Dr. Speak Out And Footage Of The Cake Injector Being Released! [Video]

This mess is getting crazier and crazier: The lumpy cheeks, misshapen chin and ballooning upper lip are still visible on Rajee Narinesingh’s face; more than two years after she says she received a backroom cosmetic procedure from a man police say performed numerous, botched, unlicensed procedures. Investigators said Morris injected her clients with cement, mineral oil and Fix A Flat aerosol, using Super Glue to seal the injection points. Morris bonded out and left the Miami Dade County Jail just before 11 p.m. Monday. She did not answer any questions, except to say, “I have a lawyer.” Her lawyer has said she is not guilty. One victim came forward last week. Morris made bail, but was re-arrested Thanksgiving Eve after a second victim came forward. Prosecutors said an additional three victims have since come forward. Narinesingh, a man who lives as a woman, said she did not have the money to pay a licensed plastic surgeon to enhance her features and went to Morris after learning of him by “word of mouth” in the transsexual community. “It becomes so dire that you want to match your outside with your inside that you’re willing to roll the dice and take your chances,” Narinesingh said of her decision to avail herself of Morris’s services. “As a transgender person, you’re thinking ‘Oh, my God, I can start to look like I want to look like and I don’t have to spend a lot of money.’” Unlike five others who have come forward to authorities, Narinesingh has not filed a police report, but is inclined to now knowing “the extent of the matter.” Narinesingh said she didn’t realize that “so many people had been victimized.” She sought the help of Coral Gables plastic surgeon Dr. John Martin, who told CBS4 News that it is not only the transsexual community that turns to unlicensed practitioners for cosmetic procedures. A surprising number of educated people who should know better – nurses, etc.,” also seek out backroom providers, Martin said. The physician said medical silicone, used to enhance buttocks, cheeks, chins and the like is very expensive and must be administered in small quantities. Amateurs will sometimes use industrial silicone, he said, that can be toxic and, when used in large quanities, can settle in areas creating grotesque results. Dr. Martin said he has been giving Narinesingh therapeutic injections that he hopes will eventually soften the hard nodules that formed in her face and return her to a more normal appearance. “There is not an easy solution to this nightmare,” Martin said. Narinesingh was grateful to Dr. Martin for trying to help give her a face back. “I have learned my lesson,” She said. “I could have died. I know that now.” Click Here To See The Newest Victim Speak Out And The Release Of Dr. Fix-A-Flat.

Original post:
Watch New Victim Of “Fix-A-Flat Cakes” Transvestite Fake Dr. Speak Out And Footage Of The Cake Injector Being Released! [Video]

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