WENN/Getty Image (Prince William) 50 Cent And Deelishis Spotted Getting Close It looks like 50 Cent and Deelishis are getting cozy. Recently, the two were spotted hanging in NYC at DJ Kay Slay’s birthday party. Fif’s Power co-star Joseph Sidora also slid through for the occasion. Is it us, or does Tommy look like a third wheel here??? 50 has Dee bent over and giddy in the photo. To further stir rumors, Deelishis posted her own snap with 50, sensually kisses the Flavor Of Love star on the cheek. Do YOU think these to are having hot POWERful sexy time? Hmm..hit the flip.
More here:
Wayment: Is 50 Cent Smashing Deelishis’ Pillowy Pound Cakes To Smithereens???