Womens Rights Spokespeople of the Day

Let this be a lesson to new parents, naming your kid “David Davidson” may sound funny and make you laugh, but it may make your kid kidnap whores and lock them in dog cages when they try to escape their life of prostitution, and in a “once you go prostitute, never go back to not being a prostitute, cuz you’ll always have being a whore part of you”, these guys decided to help her get focused back in on her career. You see every once in a while in the sex trade you get a headcase who thinks she can go back to the normal life, where sucking dick is for love and not for crack back alleys, and someone needs to intervene to let them know they’re crazy to think they can accomplish anything more than they have, or that they aren’t the whores they actually are, so if anything, these guys were just doing her a favor, like a life coach trying to guide you and keep you on track, but unfortunately, the police didn’t see it like that, they thought forcing bitches to sleep in dog cages was wrong, but if it was actually wrong, why do we call them bitches…Think about that.

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Womens Rights Spokespeople of the Day

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