Jake Gyllenhaal and director Duncan Jones explain the sci-fi thriller’s trickier moments By Eric Ditzian, with additional reporting by Kara Warner Jake Gyllenhaal in “Source Code” Photo: Summit Entertainment If you’re anything like us, you walked out of “Source Code” with a whole lot of questions on your mind. What exactly is this computer code that sends Jake Gyllenhaal back into the past, in another man’s body? What is the true implication of the film’s twisty ending? With these questions still swirling in our heads, we hit up Gyllenhaal and director Duncan Jones for some answers. (Needless to say, major spoilers exist below). Where Does The Source Code Take Place? So the Source Code is a government computer program that allows Gyllenhaal’s Captain Colter Stevens to jump into another man’s body — a guy named Sean Fentressis, who died in a terrorist train bombing — to experience the final eight minutes of his life in an attempt to prevent the terrorist from detonating a second bomb. But is what Gyllenhaal experiences just a computer simulation? Or is it actually real? “The idea is that it’s a simulator, but it actually opens up access to a parallel reality,” Jones explained. “It literally creates new realities where things can happen in very different ways. Every time Colter is sent into the Source Code, they’re creating a new reality where a new terrorist event occurs. So in a sense, every time Colter fails, they actually created a new terrorist event.” Why’d They Make The Terrorist a Lone Gunman? As Gyllenhaal searches the train for the bomber, he finds himself engaging in more than a little bit of racial profiling. As it turns out, the true culprit is not some clich