www.the3rdalternative.com In this Video Dr. Stephen R. Covey and Co-Author Dr. Breck England teach you an overview of what Dr. Covey calls “The Principle of Hope”. This method of resolving your most difficult problems is called The 3rd Alternative and is also the title of his new book. Whether you’re a Mother or Father struggling to communicate with your teen, or a CEO hoping to get your team to see your vision, you’ll get great value from watching Dr. Covey & Dr. Breck England walk you through this method to solve your most difficult problems. You can buy Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s book on Amazon: amzn.to —- Special training on The 3rdAlternative http://www.youtube.com/v/iwLPtY03tLM?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more: Dr. Stephen R. Covey & Dr. Breck England – The 3rdAlternative Special Training
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Dr. Stephen R. Covey & Dr. Breck England – The 3rdAlternative Special Training