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GTFOH: Kill-Happy Ferguson Cop Who Threatened To Kill Peaceful Protesters Has Resigned From Police Force

Feel free to let the door knob hit you in the azz on the way out Ferguson Cop Who Threatened To Kill Protesters Resigns Via HuffingtonPost A Missouri police officer who was caught on video raising his weapon and telling Ferguson protesters that he would kill them has resigned from the force. Lt. Ray Albers, 46, stepped down from the St. Ann police department on Thursday, the St. Louis Dispatch reported. The resignation comes just a little over a week after The Huffington Post and other outlets confirmed Albers’ identity in footage of the officer threatening civilians protesting the death of Michael Brown. “I will fucking kill you!” Albers shouts on video, his weapon pointed at unarmed protesters. When asked his name, Albers can be heard telling the protester: “Go fuck yourself.” Albers, who served in the military, was a 20-year veteran of the department. In an earlier interview with The Huffington Post, St. Ann Police Chief Aaron Jimenez said he was “highly angry and upset” at Albers’ choice of words, but defended the officer’s use of raising his weapon in the air. Good riddance. Image via YouTube

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GTFOH: Kill-Happy Ferguson Cop Who Threatened To Kill Peaceful Protesters Has Resigned From Police Force