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10 Biggest Movies on Facebook in 2014: Katniss vs. Elsa vs. Star-Lord!

It was a year for Katniss Everdeen to fight back. For Rosamund Pike to make a name for herself. And for a talking snowman to do battle with a talking tree for the hearts of children around the nation. 10 Most Popular Movies on Facebook in 2014 10. The Purge: Anarchy A fast-tracked sequel to 2013’s The Purge, The Purge: Anarchy is not a movie you want to watch by yourself. Or without all the lights on. Indeed, 2014 saw movies across all genres trend on Facebook, from yet another installment in The Hunger Games franchise… to an unexpected superhero blockbuster… to the tear-jerker to end all tear-jerkers… to the highest-grossing animated film of all-time. Which were the most popular movies on Mark Zuckerberg’s global creation? What had social media users around the world buzzing? Can anyone stop Chris Pratt? Would anyone want to stop Chris Pratt?!? Click through the above gallery to relive the 10 biggest movies on Facebook in 2014 and then consider: The 10 most talked-about celebrities on Facebook in 2014. The 10 most most popular songs on Facebook in 2014.

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10 Biggest Movies on Facebook in 2014: Katniss vs. Elsa vs. Star-Lord!