Farrah Abraham has always been a big fan of doing anything and everything for some attention. Bless her simple, desperate little heart. She's starred in two sex tapes, she's released her own line of sex toys , she's “written” an erotic novel. She's done numerous racy photo shoots, including one with a fellow porn star. She's put her eight-year-old daughter in bikinis and heels so that she could get a jump start on her own modeling career , she's left her daughter for weeks at a time to do dumb reality shows or just to screw around. It's a lot. Farrah's done a lot of things, and literally none of them are good. So when we saw this new video of Farrah promoting that fancy strapless bra that's supposed to give you killer cleavage … well, it's actually pretty tame, now that we think about it. In the video, Farrah shows off the bra, jiggling her breasts around this way and that. Unfortunately, Farrah's had, what, three boob jobs now? So they don't jiggle all that much, and the bra doesn't really do anything for them. You're not going to have much sagging if you're a 25-year-old who's had more plastic surgery than most of the population combined, you know? But congrats, Farrah. We're looking at you. Take a look for yourself in the video below:
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Farrah Abraham Shares Raciest Video Since Her Sex Tape!!!