Tag Archives: act-surprised

Miranda Kerr for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show of the Day

I am offended. I post endless garbage from the devils at Victoria’s Secret…constantly giving them free press even though I think they fucking suck….and then I find out that they have a 4 pm show for celebs and an 8 pm show for media and bloggers….and I wasn’t invited to the shit… Sure, I don’t fucking matter, and realize I am irrelevant, but I still would like insignificance to come with invites to live informercial tapings… You see, ever since I saw Ron Popeil and his Spray on Hair audience members act surprised and impressed…I’ve wanted to live it….it’s some bucket list shit that might as well get sorted out when watching half naked models…instead of food processors…. Either way, here is Miranda Kerr, their starlet, with some behind the scenes pics…cuz this is as close as I’ll be getting to the bullshit…..

See more here:
Miranda Kerr for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show of the Day