Tag Archives: actor-responded

True Or False? Ice Cube Sent Goons To Beat Down Rabbi Over Shoe Scuff In Detroit

True Or False? Ice Cube Sent Goons To Beat Down Rabbi Over Shoe Scuff In Detroit via TMZ : So a rabbi and Ice Cube  walk into a casino, and the rabbi catches an anti-Semitic fueled ass whuppin’ — at least that’s what the rabbi’s claiming, but Cube says that’s a load of crap. P. Taras, who says he’s a rabbi … tells TMZ he was at the MGM Detroit on May 24 when he literally bumped into Cube outside an elevator. Taras claims he said something like … hey, watch out — and the rapper/actor responded by having his boys attack. While he was getting stomped, Taras claims he heard several epithets. He thinks that’s because he was wearing a yarmulke. Taras has filed a lawsuit against Cube for assault and battery, and wants $2 million for his troubles. Ice Cube’s rep says, “Not only are these accusations a lie, he doesn’t even know who this guy is.” We will have to say false. There hasn’t been any evidence of assault produced and Ice Cube refutes these claims. Do you think the Rabbi is lying?

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True Or False? Ice Cube Sent Goons To Beat Down Rabbi Over Shoe Scuff In Detroit