Tag Archives: actual-humans

Lindsay Lohan’s Fingerless of the Day

There was a story that came out yesterday about Lindsay Lohan, who is some identity crisis you may remember from Mean Girls, because today is National Mean Girls Day, I only know that because I creeped her Instagram, I have never actually seen mean Girls…and this isn’t about Mean Girls…it’s about Lohan… So she was apparently in TURKEY being ARAB, where she stuck her RING FINGER into some boat engine or something and Lost part of her RING FINGER in what I would assume was her being dramatic and trying to get back at her really rich Russian Fiance…because Lohan is just that kind of bitch.. I remember talking to someone who was at a party with her many years ago in LA, some rich person trendy person after party…and Lohan was sitting on the couch alone…playing with a kitchen knife…looking off into the abyss….because she’s fucked in the fucking head…and still is… It stems from being whored out by her family, raped by the media, in an industry that fucked her head up hard….but at least she’s got a sense of humor… I was trying to get my friend to write a top 10 things LOHAN can’t do without her fingers….they never wrote it and I don’t do top 10 lists of clickbait…I find them dumb, she only got “she can’t hold the coke straw anymore”….and I added “she’ll be able to fist Sam Ronson easier”…but ended with that… It turns out the best LOHAN losing her finger joke was from LOHAN herself…in the caption on this picture of “ONE HANDED SELFIE”….what a joker… TO READ THE ACTUALLY LOSING HER FINGER STORY VIA TMZ The post Lindsay Lohan’s Fingerless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindsay Lohan’s Fingerless of the Day

Sofia Richie See Through Titty Shirt of the Day

Sofia Richie is an 18 year old – actual daughter of Lionel Richie, unlike her entitled, spoiled and annoying cunt sister the world probably forgets, because she really didn’t matter much, she was more just a Paris Hilton groupie, Nicole Richie….is actually Lionel Richie’s kid…. But that doesn’t mean she’s not equally entitled, spoiled, and annoying…it’s not like Lionel Richie bothers too much with them…he’s a very busy singer of song…easier to throw money their way and after being put through the wringer with that Nicole adopted bitch…anything would be a blessing…especially if it was made from your DNA… That said, she’s already been fucked by Beiber, a story that is confusing only because it was before she turned 18. Something Beiber has done a lot including but not limited to with Hailey Baldwin…because he likes them underage…yet he’s never been arrested as a sex offender….maybe because daughters of rich people don’t count as actual humans…I mean I don’t see them as actual humans…making it a free for all in their pussies…filling their void..their sadness…or whatever it is that motivates them to go to bars in LA in shirts that show off a lot of tit…knowing the paparazzi will be there…because it’s one of those bars…trying to get seen…because it will get her more instagram followers as that is what all these selfie taking whores with no substance crave…. So here’s another rich kid, famous dad, trust fund brat…trying to become a personality of her own…like a little Kylie but with actual black DNA in her…with them tits… The post Sofia Richie See Through Titty Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sofia Richie See Through Titty Shirt of the Day