Tag Archives: adorable-puppy

Remember Freedom Williams From C&C Music Factory? Well, Guess What He’s Doing Now! [Video]

I Don’t Camouflage visited Freedom Wiliams’ home in Brooklyn NY to capture him with his recording artists Jax and East Koast working on construction. Check out the exclusive interview with Freedom Williams and his artists, as they break down their relationship with music and construction work, life lessons and more. Don’t miss the adorable puppy Rottweiler “Willy”, running around throughout the shoot as well. Freedom Williams (C+C Music Factory) is known for the 90’s hit single “Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)”. When Freedom wrote C+C’s hit song “Gonna Make You Sweat”, he was living homeless but not hopeless in New York City. Since that trim, he has spent many years mentoring young men in his Bedford-Stuyvesant community in Brooklyn and throughout the world. Freedom continues to feed the homeless from the back of his car around the boroughs of New York City, 20K or so who are still teenagers.

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Remember Freedom Williams From C&C Music Factory? Well, Guess What He’s Doing Now! [Video]

Lauren Conrad Adopts Cutest Puppy Everrrrrrrrrrr

“Never go to the animal shelter ‘just to look.'” – Lauren Conrad It seems that the former star of The Hills learned this lesson the hard way … and the CUTE way! She just adopted an adorable puppy that she named Fitz: Of course, Fitz had to meet Conrad’s other four-legged family member, 4-year-old Lab mix Chloe, also a rescue dog. Fortunately, it looks like that went well. “All I want to do is take pictures of this little cutie,” she shared, posting a photo of Fitz looking alert and prepared for food, fun, treats, walks … who’s to say. Possibly the only thing cuter than Lauren Conrad pics ? These:

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Lauren Conrad Adopts Cutest Puppy Everrrrrrrrrrr