Tag Archives: after-nabisco

Lil Wayne Pimp-Slaps Oreos on Facebook

Already the reigning champion of prison Uno games and making it rain at strip clubs and impregnating women, Lil Wayne is now king of Facebook as well. After Nabisco claimed to have made Facebook history by racking up 114,619 “Likes” for Oreo cookies in a 24-hour span, Weezy decided to step up. Only five hours after Wayne proclaimed he was gunning for Nabisco’s record, the rap star had secured a demonstrative, staggering 588,243 Likes. Nabisco? Is that you? Can’t see you from way up here! No word on how many of Weezy’s many baby mamas Liked his page, or whether Justin Bieber is mulling his own bid for this social media record. NOTE : Become a fan of THG on Facebook !

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Lil Wayne Pimp-Slaps Oreos on Facebook