Tag Archives: against-breast

Susan G. Komen & Circle Of Promise Bring Hope To Women

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In honor of organizations that promote awareness, early detection and treatment, such as Susan G. Komen and Circle of Promise , BlackAtlas.com from American Airlines is dedicated to educating and empowering both women and men. A few facts: – Breast cancer is the most common cancer among African American women – An estimated 26,840 new cases of breast cancer are expected to occur among African American women in 2011 – African American women have a 39% higher mortality rate, which may be related to differences in access to and utilization of early detection and treatment Circle of Promise Circle of Promise has a call to action for you: they are asking African American women to make a commitment to follow the 4 steps to Breast Self Awareness (more about the steps below), while also making a promise to be an ambassador to spread the word for others in our community to do the same. “We’re Not Just All Talk!” A little over three years ago, Susan G. Komen for the Cure® proudly launched a new platform known as the Circle of Promise — a movement dedicated to further engaging black women around the globe in the fight against breast cancer.  Since that time, Circle of Promise has grown, with more than 100,000 women and men raising their hands and taking action in the fight against breast cancer.  In that 100,000, you’ll find a powerful list of women.  A list of women who may duke it out for listeners on one hand, and then join hands for a very important cause that’s much greater. They are competitors in one vein and sisters in another.  In case you’re wondering “What’s the tie that binds them together?”  Breast cancer. To read the rest click here. Read: GIANT Travel Tip: Prevent Health Hazards and The Top 12 Healthiest Travel Tips

Susan G. Komen & Circle Of Promise Bring Hope To Women