Tag Archives: alan blueford

Stop The Violence–Another Officer Faces ZERO Charges After Shoooting Oakland Teen

Another grown azz Man thought his life was in danger and took a teens life. According to The Huffington Post : The Oakland police officer who shot and killed a black teenager earlier this year will not face charges in a case that has touched off a lightning storm of controversy between the city’s African American community and a troubled police force on the brink of a federal takeover. On Tuesday, the Alameda County District Attorney’s office released an 18-page report on the incident, stating that Officer Miguel Masso acted in self defense when he shot Alan Blueford three times in the torso after the 18-year old Skyline High School student pointed a gun at him. “Officer Masso actually and reasonably believed that his life was in danger after he had made eye contact with Mr. Blueford and that if he did not shoot, he would be killed,” Senior District Attorney Keneth Mifsud wrote. The report states that on May 6 of this year, Masso and his partner Officer Joe Fesmire were driving in their patrol car and saw Blueford walking with two others in Oakland’s Castlemont neighborhood, allegedly in the process of a drug deal, when the officers noticed that Blueford looked as if he might be concealing a gun in his waistband. Masso and Fesmire detained the trio but Blueford soon fled on foot. Masso gave chase for a number of blocks before the teen allegedly pulled an object that Masso identified as a handgun from his pants and pointed it at Masso. In front of a private residence where a birthday party was underway, Blueford tripped, fell to the ground and again pointed a gun at the officer. Masso fired four shots, three of which fatally struck Blueford and the other which hit his own foot. “I was scared,” said Masso, who claimed this was the first time anyone had ever pointed a gun at him. “It scared the living crap out of me.” Masso is currently on medical leave. A coroner’s report on Blueford found no gunpowder residue on his hands and no drugs or alcohol in his bloodstream. Police found a gun containing Blueford’s fingerprints on the ground near where he was shot that was stolen from the home of a police officer last year. The victim’s father, Adam Blueford, told the San Francisco Chronicle that he was disappointed at the district attorney’s decision not to charge Masso. “We thought it might go this way,” he said. “My son didn’t commit any crime at all other than running. This is alarming.” The Blueford family has led a series of contentious protests in recent months. “Alan cannot speak, so I’m going to speak for Alan,” said his mother, Jeralynn Blueford, at a protest in front of an police substation last month. “[OPD’s] job is to protect and serve–I was not served and Alan was not protected. We are about standing for justice.” The Oakland PD REFUSED to publicly release a police report about the incident and we’re told there have been different reports on whether or not Blueford ever fired a gun. Folks in the community believe this is all part of a police coverup. Images via facebook

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Stop The Violence–Another Officer Faces ZERO Charges After Shoooting Oakland Teen