Sarah Palin. Kate Gosselin. It’s a TLC reality show crossover like no one in their right mind ever imagined or wanted to see by any means other. As if Kate dragging her brood to our northernmost state weren’t exciting enough … they’re going on an Alaskan camping trip with Sarah Palin!! First, here are the kids en route to the wilderness, where they will likely explode with rage and inform the locals that Santa doesn’t exist … Kate Plus 8 Alaska Sneak Peek Then it’s time for the clash of titans on Sarah Palin’s Alaska . “I have never camped for real,” Gosselin admits in the below clip, and it shows. Crying for decent food and grimacing as American’s favorite mama grizzly fires her trusty rifle, Kate longs for the comforts of Pennsylvania. Hey, what’s she supposed to do? Bears lurking are nearby. BEARS, people. Sarah tells us, “She’s going to be relying on me to protect her.” We’ve seen what happens when boys come near Willow Palin . Ursine creatures beware. Watch a clip of Kate on Sarah Palin’s Alaska here: It’s a Palin-Gosselin Camping Trip!!
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