Tag Archives: all-aggressive

Hobie from Baywatch has Coke Face of the Day

I know you don’t give a fuck about Jeremy Jackson, the kid who played Hobie on Baywatch, even though Baywatch was something you grew up jerking off to, but I thought these pictures were funny. I don’t know if he’e ever worked since Baywatch, but he still live in LA and here he is making faces that lead me to believe dude is jacked on some kind of drug….. I’ve been in drunk near these jacked-up jock lookin dudes, who look like they go to the gym before going out, so that they muscles are as swollen as they can get, in order to impress the girls in their tight shirts…and every once in a while one of them decides to dabble in cocaine , usually cut with speed, and it ends up lookin’ like this, all aggressive and in your face, cuz jocks on drugs just aren’t as wholesome as people who aren’t on steroids…until they embrace their homosexuality…then jocks on drugs become the topless guy with glow sticks and a boner brushing up against dudes…but it takes a few nights out to get to that level of acceptance of their own sexual needs…. So here’s Hobie Raging on Something…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Hobie from Baywatch has Coke Face of the Day