Tag Archives: alone-at-home

Ashley Graham is a Fucking Tank in a Bikini of the Day

This isn’t hot, unless you have a fucked up fetish. This isn’t normal, unless you accept that fat is normal, which it isn’t, even if most people are fat. This is unhealthy. This is digusting. This is not empowering. This does not perpetuate a better future of inclusion of all shapes and sizes…it says it is OK to overeat and to not work out enough… It is saying it is ok to die of Obesity related diseases…. It is saying it’s ok for fat chicks to wear bikinis instead of those one pieces with the little skirts to cover their disgusting covering their disgusting. It is terrible…but I guess it works out for this one…she’s a hero to lazy fat women everywhere and she’s getting rich off it….not to mention she’s got a black husband (obviously) likely fucking the white fat ass off her better than any white man fucked her…making her have this deslusional sense of purpose, fame all while she knows deep down “but I’m fat and I’m supposed to be alone at home with my cats, how am I here”… Vile. TO SEE MORE PICS OF THE MONSTER CLICK HERE

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Ashley Graham is a Fucking Tank in a Bikini of the Day