Tag Archives: alternate-shot

New Jewelry Highlights Thigh Gap Obsession, And It’s Weird

What an odd way to make an statement. Designer Soo Kyung Bae created jewelry for a woman’s thigh gap area for Singapore company TGAP.  Why?  I have no idea. The thigh gap trend has become worryingly popular, creating unrealistic expectations of what a woman’s body looks like.  Some thigh gaps are natural, while others are a result of extreme diet and exercise.   The pieces, make of 18-karat plated gold, range from $175-$195.   “TGap Jewellery is a fictional company that sells jewelleries designed for thigh gaps,” a statement on the site reads. “It is launched to catalyze a debate on unrealistic body image social media portrays.” Huh? It appears that the site doesn’t actually sell thigh gap jewelry.  Instead, t’s supposed to raise awareness about body image. “The jewellery pieces take the thigh-gap trend to another level, the pieces are created in hopes of sparking questions,” Bae told Dazeen Magazine “‘If we let the media keep popularising such unrealistic body ideal, will this eventually become reality?  By using outrageous products, I hope to bring a provocative jolt that leads us to ponder and reflect upon what we are like as a society and the absurd things we value and obsess over – as well as how this creates unnecessary pressure for women and girls.” I dig it.

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New Jewelry Highlights Thigh Gap Obsession, And It’s Weird