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Spider-Man Will Use ‘Device’ To Shoot Webs, Emma Stone Says

Golden Globe nominee reveals change to MTV News on red carpet after first-look photo hints at modification to Spidey’s costume. By Eric Ditzian Emma Stone Photo: Jason Merritt/ Getty After the geeky shock of seeing Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man for the first time wore off, savvy observers noticed a potentially huge clue hidden within the newly released first-look photo from Sony Pictures: Garfield’s boy wonder seemed to be sporting metal discs on his wrists, suggesting that he employs a mechanical device to shoot webs, rather than organically emitting them from his body. That would mean a sharp break from previous “Spider-Man” films — Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker shot webs directly from his wrists — but one that’s still in keeping with established comics lore. Recent story lines have shown both a Spidey with web-shooters and a Spidey able to naturally shoot webs on his own. The new photo, while tantalizing, offered no firm proof either way.

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Spider-Man Will Use ‘Device’ To Shoot Webs, Emma Stone Says