Tag Archives: amber rose slut walk la

One Time For The Haters! Amber Rose Slut Walk LA is Officially Sold Out!

Walk That Walk: Amber Rose Slut Walk LA Sells Out! Amber Rose has been going hard for the support of her first ever, ‘Slut Walk’ to be held in Los Angeles on October 3rd, 2015.  She’s been urging all of her fans and celeb peers to support the fight against slut-shaming and double standards against women.   Since she started promoting earlier this year, there was a lot of talk about Amber’s ulterior motives but she has officially silenced her haters with this Instagram post. Congrats to Amber and her team! Actions speak louder than words.

See the article here:
One Time For The Haters! Amber Rose Slut Walk LA is Officially Sold Out!