Regina King Among Revelers At Private Family Celebration For “Power” Actress “Power’s” Naturi Naughton rang in her 33rd birthday with friends and family at a private party in New York City. The pregnant actress hosted a birthday celebration for close family and friends at West Indian restaurant Suede last weekend. Produced by Primrose Couture Events, the dinner had a theme of modern Caribbean elegance. Actress Regina King was among the roughly dozen guests, which also included her longtime partner Ben and her parents, Ezra and Brenda. They feasted on a meal of jerk chicken, rice and peas and other Caribbean delights before Noughton, who plays wife Tasha St. Patrick on the hit Starz! series, took the mic to address her guests, thanking them for being there to celebrate with her. Her baby is due in July. The party group then tucked into a vanilla buttercream birthday cake from Sugar Lips Cakes that was decorated with roses. Photos by Danni Davinchi
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Exclusive: Naturi Naughton Celebrates Birthday Caribbean Style In Brooklyn