Tag Archives: annoying-posts

Britney Spears “3″ Music Video

Britney Spears ’ new music “ 3 ” was just released and besides the song being boring they managed to put her in the best of lights and make her look quite tasty. I’m digging the outfits but her breasts seem just a little droopy and could use a lift, big time. Now I know she had two kids nibbling on those but surely she has enough dough to have them corrected.

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Britney Spears “3″ Music Video

Heidi Montag Is A New Mom

This post is one of the most annoying posts I’ve ever had to write, it combines two of the most obnoxious couples living on earth today. Here’s Heidi Montag and Douche dressed as Jon and Kate Gosselin

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Heidi Montag Is A New Mom