Tag Archives: approval-their

Ebonee Davis Has Big Tits of the Day

Her name is Ebonee Davis…she’s got some big great tits and I am guessing she’s not an Angela Jolie adoptee, even though Angelina Jolie would be the kind of humanitarian who throws her kid into modeling while trying to save the world..not to mention she’d do a pretentious ethnic name… But there is no way a white person is naming anything black – Ebonee…that’s a name black people name their black babies, it’d be like a black family adopting a white kid – not sure if that happens, but if it did, and they named it Cracker or Honky… It’s not that ebony isn’t a pretty name, for a pretty girl, with pretty tits, but when you adopt black you don’t call in black… I am sure I could have wikipediaed her to determine that this post was a lot of unnecessary words….to support tits that don’t need support since they are perfect. I love black girls…but black girl lives matter…but unfortunately black girls don’t want to adopt me and introduce me to their vaginas…because they are racist… The post Ebonee Davis Has Big Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ebonee Davis Has Big Tits of the Day

Kate Bock Bikini Model of the Day

Kate Bock is a bikini model who is probably best known for being in Sports Illustrated…. I don’t get impressed when I meet or see girls who are in Sports Illustrated, they are never the hottest girls, they are never the most interesting girls, and they’ve actually fallen off hard…and lost out to Victoria’s Secret, who use quality models… I do think about their sugar daddies or rich parents that finance their lives and their bullshit, because they are likely busy people, too busy to know SI is irrelevant and not that important and that it’s a good badge when bragging about the pussy you fuck….even though SI rarely makes these girls ANY money…only some people pull it off. Girls everywhere, especially instagram think this SI shit is an end all / be all / stamp of approval their egos need to increase their standards and hopefully fuck Leo DiCaprio… I don’t know if this one has had Leo’s PR push yet, but I’ll assume she has and if she hasn’t, it’s the top item on her business plan…because she’s a personal brand people, maybe even a “fashion blogger”…or “beauty blogger”…or “Travel blogger”…catch phrase bullshit to try to scam brands into paying you – because…you might as well leverage your low fucking level… The post Kate Bock Bikini Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Bock Bikini Model of the Day