Tag Archives: arinana-grande

Ariana Grande Mounts Jeanette McCurdy of the Day

So the next generation of poptarts older dudes with kids in this demographic lust after because it is the only show they are allowed to watch….making little sex pots out of otherwise innocent, annoying, teen girls just trying to live the Disney child star dream….are Arinana Grande and Jeanette McCurdy…..who was lovely enough to follow me on twitter this weekend cuz she knows we have a magical connection….just not one as great as she has with Ariana Grande…as they mount each other fully clothed…in what I think at least 100 people have masturbated to already…..that I don’t find all that erotic…cuz my erotic threshold is far more depraved and twisted….but then again….maybe jerking off to two innocent girls just fooling around fully clothed, not trying to be erotic, is twisted ina and of itself…you know like those dude who expose themselves to girls on their way to work or school, like shit dude this is not a porno this is just me going to school…what went wrong in your life to make that porno to you…kinda thing…..but here’s the pic anyway…I’ll let you be in charge of what you do with it….I’m just the delivery man.

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Ariana Grande Mounts Jeanette McCurdy of the Day