Tag Archives: athlete-money

Brooklyn Decker Big Titties in GQ TUrkey of the Day

I like to make fun of Brooklyn Decker’s semi-retard looking face, not because I wouldn’t fuck her big titties with my mouth, hands, dick, ass, anything she allowed me to fuck her big titties with…..but because I know she got the cover of SI cuz of her husband being a pro athlete with pro athlete money and pro athlete endorsements that have the ability and power to tell those companies not to work with SI….so to keep everyone happy….give his spoiled cunt wife what she fucking wants….. But the truth is, retardation, or semi-retardation, or retard physical attributes have never stopped me from sticking my dick in a bitch….if anything…sometimes it is easier to get away with… So all you Decker Defenders can fuck yourself….she has big tits, she’s fit cuz she has nothing else to do with her days but keep Roddick happy to be married to her, or the free ride fucking ends and we’d all fuck her….but anyone can see she’s a lilttle Corky….. The turks don’t care, they are used to seeing their women in bed sheets and ninja costumes.

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Brooklyn Decker Big Titties in GQ TUrkey of the Day