Tag Archives: attorneys-sent

Katt Williams Says “Three-Dollar P**** B*tch” Can’t Sue Him Over Kidnapping & Beating Her…Because He Already Paid Up

Katt Williams’ Assault And Kidnapping Suit Thrown Out Turns out the comedienne that Katt Williams allegedly slapped up and insulted on tour is being a little greedy. Katt’s lawyers had to tap her on the shoulder and remind her that she’s already been paid for her troubles and is going to need to drop her new case — or else. Via TMZ : Katt Williams is the victim of a serious double-dipper — that’s his reaction to a comedian suing him over an alleged beatdown, because he says he’s already forked over a settlement. TMZ broke the story … Ashima Franklin filed a lawsuit, saying Katt attacked and kidnapped her, but sources close to Katt say her suit is just a repeat of claims she made months ago. We’re told Ashima accepted a “small amount” of cash to squash the drama, and even signed a settlement agreement. Apparently, her lawyer didn’t get that memo … and went ahead and filed a $3 million lawsuit for her. Obviously, Katt’s attorneys sent Ashima’s lawyer the previous agreement, so she’s dismissed the suit. WELP. If she took the small amount she can’t go seeking more after finding out Katt has some batsh*t crazy tendencies. But in the meantime…he may want to look into maybe NOT beating up, imprisoning, or kidnapping people he comes across anymore… Instagram

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Katt Williams Says “Three-Dollar P**** B*tch” Can’t Sue Him Over Kidnapping & Beating Her…Because He Already Paid Up