Tag Archives: aurora de leon

Aurora De Leon on Film Cuz She’s Art of the Day

Scanned contact sheet prints to prove your photos aren’t digital is some lameness…Art doesn’t exist – it is all lies…especially on instagram.. If you’re shooting film to let people know you’re a real photog, and scanning the pics in a way to let people know it’s film, you’re clearly an 18 year old trying to have substance and meaning in your work. I am not against anyone who gets girls naked on camera, or even film as a format, I personally prefer film…I just think it’s lame when it’s part of a Millennial attempt to have substance…that’s all. I don’t think it adds to, or takes away from the tits…I just find it irritating, because everything is orchestrated shit and nothing is real. The post Aurora De Leon on Film Cuz She’s Art of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Aurora De Leon on Film Cuz She’s Art of the Day