Tag Archives: autistics

Jenny McCarthy’s New Pussy of the Day

Not an actual new pussy, but remembering her obnoxious MTV career, she probably needs one. Shit probably did its fucking rounds and that pollution is what lead to an autistic baby that she’s turned into profit by writing books on the shit, creating events and fundraising for, taking her out of the trashcan she belongs in and putting her in the sa Not that you or anyone else cares about Jenny McCarthy or her big stupid head, now that she doesn’t show off her 90s Playboy bush and fake tits, but here she is with her new man pussy after dumping crazy Jim Carrey and leaving him in some kind of bi-polar hole while letting this balding kid inside her hole to help her get through the shit….and move on…. Her boy toy, mid-life crisis, looks like he may just be one of her Autistics from the center she volunteers at who she decided to take out for dinner, but maybe he’s not actually a retard, but just looks like that cuz fucking Jenny McCarthy in her 40s takes getting drunk to focus on the memory of the Jenny McCarty you jerked off to in the 90s who you finally scored… Either way, here are the boring pics…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Jenny McCarthy’s New Pussy of the Day