Tag Archives: away-the-boots

Molly Sims to Britney Spears: Pull it Together!

If supermodel Molly Sims could give any celebrity a makeover, she love to give one to Britney Spears. Wouldn’t we all, Mols. Wouldn’t. We. All. “I would take away the boots, all of the tank tops,” the 37-year-old Sims tells Health magazine. “She’s so pretty – she just needs help with dressing.” “She gets too many trends going at once.” Give her a break, Mols. Girl wore a bra this week! You know that’s not easy for her, and we should reward the little things. Baby steps … Y’all want me to wear what?! But the actress and cover model admits that she’s had her own share of flawed fashion moments: “I had braces for two-and-a-half years, and I promise you, I wouldn’t have been the same girl if I didn’t. I would not have smiled.” In fact, Sims tells the magazine that she’s “not a proponent of cosmetic surgery.” So it’s safe to assume she’s not a fan of Heidi Montag , either. And as someone whose life has centered around the importance of looks, the Sports Illustrated cover girl admits, “I think I’ve done every crazy diet there was in the beginning, but it’s weird: I’m thinner now than I was when I was modeling.”

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Molly Sims to Britney Spears: Pull it Together!