I’d like to take a minute from your hectic day to look at these pics of Ireland Baldwin and try to understand why she’s getting work when she’s such a fucking monster…I’m talking some kind of Baldwin Ogre that crawled out of a Bassinger vagina, only to morph into the big and bloated looking trust fund brat, with an identity crisis, who one day is getting married and simulating sex on social media, to the next when she’s dating some black Youtube spoken word/rapper chick…straight from the fucking gutter…It’s like anything to rebel, get noticed, get attention, be different, cause some kind of conflict, when all she needs to do is ride her family name, book a sitcom and shut the fuck up…but instead, like all these other instagram girls, she’s trying to be a model. What the fuck is wrong with people. If I was her, I’d ride that inheritance straight to a tropical island to fucking tan…people have their priorities all fucked up.
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Ireland Baldwin is a Fucking Monster for some Brand of the Day