Tag Archives: ballet-schools

Pia Mia Perez Ballet Underwear Twitter Pics of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some US Guam nobody that the perverts of the internet have decided to obsess over… She has only been in one movie – called Santa Paws…and I don’t even know how people found out she existed…unless of course dad’s forced to watch Santa Paws with their kids were like “I’d like to jerk off to that girl, I’ll go find her on social media”…. I assume she’s the most famous thing out of US Guam….since my friend who moved to US Guam to strip for the troops stationed there….and who made a million dollars doing it…thanks to them having nothing else to spend their US Military money on….. She’s 16, jailbait, and constantly posting ASS PICS TO INSTAGRAM … So this ballet outfit, showing her skinny young bod…is the gateway to far vulgar exhibitionism just as soon as she grows up…. I hope they don’t let you into local ballet schools to watch…You fucking perverts.

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Pia Mia Perez Ballet Underwear Twitter Pics of the Day