Tag Archives: bangs-before

Barbie® is So in Style™ with Chandra® doll and She’s Got a Message for Young Girls!

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Barbie® is So in Style™ with Chandra® doll and She’s Got a Message for Young Girls!

Hoy En Mi Gente News: Did J.Lo Throw Some Subliminal Shade At First Lady Michelle Obama’s New Bangs On Good Morning America?

Battle of the bangs? Jennifer Lopez Says She Had Bangs Before Michelle Obama Hollyweird boricua banger Jennifer Lopez may have put her foot in her mouth during a recent interview on Good Morning America. J.Lo and her purple-coated caliente cakes stopped by the morning show to promote her new movie ‘Parker’ ….but did she also take a small shot at Michelle Obama, insisting that she had already had bangs before everyone was raving over the First Lady’s fly new do? Take a look at about the 4:26 mark and judge for yourself. Hmmmm. So what say you Bossipers? Did she or didn’t she? Peep a few more pics of J.Lo sittin’ pretty in purple on the GMA couch below while you decide. YouTube/SplashNews

See the article here:
Hoy En Mi Gente News: Did J.Lo Throw Some Subliminal Shade At First Lady Michelle Obama’s New Bangs On Good Morning America?