Tag Archives: bar-owner

This Looks Good: First Official “Luke Cage” Teaser Hits The Internet [Video]

Good news for Marvel fans ! Netflix just released the first teaser for Luke Cage , the semi-spinoff to Netflix smash hit Jessica Jones . Scheduled to debut on September 30th, the series follows the adventures of indestructible, and super-strong bar owner Luke, who’s been romantically linked to Jessica Jones on the show. It’s only 20 seconds long…but so far, do you like what you see?? Netflix / YouTube

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This Looks Good: First Official “Luke Cage” Teaser Hits The Internet [Video]

True Blood’s Sam Trammell: Give Us Kristen Stewart!

Can someone please send Twilight DVDs over to the set of True Blood? Even though Sam Trammell, who plays shapeshifter bar owner Sam Merlotte on the hit HBO series, told us over a month..

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True Blood’s Sam Trammell: Give Us Kristen Stewart!