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EPA Found that Gas Mileage Improved 7% to Record-Breaking 22.4 MPG In 2009 Car Fleet

Photo: Flickr , CC The numbers on the fuel economy of the U.S. car fleet are out, albeit a year behind. But the news are rather good: The EPA report for 2009 shows an improvement of 7% in fuel economy, or 1.4 MPG, bringing the average to 22.4 MPG (kind of a sad record, when you think about it). Another piece of good news is that the ratio of cars to trucks has been shifting back in favor of cars. It has declined “to 40 percent in 2009 models, a decrease of 7 perce… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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EPA Found that Gas Mileage Improved 7% to Record-Breaking 22.4 MPG In 2009 Car Fleet