Tag Archives: been-the-body

Bar Refaeli Modeling Passionata Lingerie of the Day

Bar Refaeli works. Or at least apparently she’s still getting half naked for money, this time for Passionata, the brand she is the body for, and has been the body for since Victoria’s Secret fired her for being too fat. I just assumed she was retired, you know moved back to Israel to get married and make babies like most Jewish girls who turn 30, with some local Jewish millionaire, because she’s already done the non-Jewish A-listers, that phase is behind her and now she can settle down with people of her own culture, but unlike Paula Deen, she won’t be called Racist for insisting on marrying her own religion, even though that’s exactly what it is…because last time I checked we are all God’s children. We are all one race…the Human Race…and her is Bar Rafeali showing us her tits a little better at being human than so many girls I’ve fucked, so good she gets paid for it.

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Bar Refaeli Modeling Passionata Lingerie of the Day