Tag Archives: before-it-blows

Britney Spears Breaks her Costume as She Does Vegas for her Dad’s Bank Account of the Day

Britney Spears had her dancers zip her up on stage in Vegas, which was interesting to see how they dealt with her hot little crisis as her puppet master father was backstage counting all the money his sperm has made him in the form of Britney Spears who he still contols…in all his hick glory…which is pretty amazing considering I’ve seen him in interviews and I don’t think dude knows how to read…yet he knows how to K-Fed and that’s milk that bitch, even if it humiliates her in the process because she won’t notice…she’s too fucking medicated… A nice American family classic…one that could be leveraged and turned into holiday movies…if holiday movies had a bit more exploiting your kids into their 40s to pay for the fucking Thanksgiving Turkey… I kind of wish her cry for help was more her pissing on stage in a squat as onlookers threw up in shock…but there is something awesome about the dancers helping her…that reminds me of trained technicians dealing with a robot malfunctioning before it blows up and kills everyone…. The post Britney Spears Breaks her Costume as She Does Vegas for her Dad’s Bank Account of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Britney Spears Breaks her Costume as She Does Vegas for her Dad’s Bank Account of the Day