Tag Archives: behind-meek

Sit Down Hater: Safaree Tries To Out Nicki Minaj For Talking To Him Behind Meek’s Back & She Claps Back!

Petty …smh… Safaree Says Nicki Minaj Contacted Him Behind Meek Mill’s Back In the melee surrounding Meek Mill’s sassy Twitter meltdown , Nicki Minaj’s ex-boyfriend is throwing some shots of his own. As previously reported Meek claimed that Safaree Samuels was homosexual  because a video of him surfaced twerking on stage. According to Safaree however , his Jamaican heritage explains why he dances that way. Now obviously still feeling scorned by Meeks’ words, Scaff Beezy is clapping back at him via Nicki Minaj who he says contacted him on his birthday. Rut roh… A nonchalant Nicki has since responded; And yes, the alleged email apparently did happen. Remember the below tweet from earlier this month??? Yikes. Hit the flip to see what Safaree previously had to say about Nicki’s little birthday letter.

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Sit Down Hater: Safaree Tries To Out Nicki Minaj For Talking To Him Behind Meek’s Back & She Claps Back!