Tag Archives: being-rejected

Rihanna’s Hot Ass in a Bikini Shoot of the Day

I guess when Rihanna isn’t hanging with troll, who under the right lighting, proven by these pics of CARA DELEVINGNE SHOWING BUSH AND NIPPLE ….she’s out on the taking pics in thongs showing the world her ass that isn’t nearly as offensive as it could be…you know seeing as she is a retired teen hooker who has transitioned into popstar-dom…in what is probably a very weird story..if we were to hear the real story…and not the made up one…that involves Chris Brown Beating her. TO SEE PICS OF HER IN A SKIMPY BIKINI ON A BOAT CLICK HERE

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Rihanna’s Hot Ass in a Bikini Shoot of the Day

Adriana Lima Doing a Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Model Adriana Lima…who should probably retire but that would mean she’s accepted being old and washed up, something I Feel like these models have a hard time doing, because they spent so many years being rejected on their way up to the top, that once they made it to the top, they finally felt appreciated, loved and hot…and letting that end, not only will mean less money for the Christian who claimed she was a virgin, at least vaginal virgin, before having a bunch of kids…but it will also mean she doesn’t matter any more…so here’s what was once the hottest of the models…not quite as hot…in a bikini shooting for her main/only client…and after staring at the pics for a creepy amount of time…all I gotta say is she’s good enough. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Adriana Lima Doing a Bikini Photoshoot of the Day