Tag Archives: believe-global

9 Celebrities With & Without Bangs: What’s Their Best Look?

Need some hair-raising inspiration for your spring style makeover this year? Have we got some pictures for you. Hollywood’s hottest stars change their hair like regular people change their, well, you know how the saying goes. One of the hottest looks right now? Bangs. 9 Celebrities With and Without Bangs 1. Chrissy Teigen Chrissy Teigen recently added bangs to her look. What do you think? Side-swept, thick, or fringe, bangs are in! They’re an easy way to update your look without breaking the bank. While some of us pull them off better than others, occasionally we meet people who should never, ever be without them. (Looking at you, Zooey Deschanel .) Scroll through our gallery of nine celebrities with and without bangs and tell us which look you prefer, then check out another hot hair trend – the ombre – below! Celebrities With Ombre Hair 1. Khloe Kardashian Khloe Kardashian is from a family of fashion mavens. Khloe’s kontribution should be this awesome ombré!

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9 Celebrities With & Without Bangs: What’s Their Best Look?

Debra Messing: Weight Loss Photo Stuns Internet!

Debra Messing may not have starred in a lot of high-profile projects since her time on the long-running NBC sitcom Will & Grace , but the beloved actress has certainly kept her body in working shape. The 45-year-old Messing posted the above photo online today, revealing a reported 20-pound weight loss. The most stunning part? Debra says she dropped the pounds unintentionally. Messing recently told People magazine that she made some major changes in her diet recently – not with the goal of losing weight, but simply because she blamed her low energy levels on her love of junk food. “About two or three years ago, I made a very, very big change to the way I approach nutrition,” said Messing. “I think it made a very big difference in the way I look, or at least the way I was perceived to look.” Messing recently divorced Daniel Zelman , but she says the change in her eating habits had nothing to do with her appearance or her return to the dating scene: “I lost like 20 pounds,” Debra adds. “It wasn’t my intention. That wasn’t why I made the change. I made the change because I was just tired all the time.” Messing says that before changing her nutritional tendencies, her diet consisted of “fast food and candy every day.” So yes, not only did Debra lose 20 pounds unintentionally, her previous (also slender) figure was the result of a daily fast food diet. We know it’s tempting to hate her, but just remember: she’s a great comedic actress and, by all accounts, a generally pleasant person. 19 Super Slimmed Down Celebrities 1. Miranda Lambert Weight Loss Photos Miranda Lambert’s recent weight loss has seen quite the before and after transformation.

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Pat Sajak Blasts Global Warming Advocates as "Unpatriotic Racists"

Pat Sajak does not believe global warming is a puzzle that needs to be solved. That’s because the Wheel of Fortune host does not believe in global warming at all. “I now believe global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends. Good night,” Sajak Tweeted last night, an apt follow-up to his May 10 message. “Very hot weather: ‘We’re all going to die!’ Very cold weather: ‘There’s a difference between climate & weather, moron!'” he wrote last week. “Help…climate changing…must send money to lots of places…a lot of money…hurry…time is short…not kidding..” Sajak also poked run at Al Gore, who has bellowed about the dangers of climate change to all who will listen for the past few years. The former Vice President even won an Oscar for the film An Unconvenient Truth. “My interest in Al Gore’s pronouncements could fit into a gnat’s navel & still leave room for a Liberal’s sense of humor,” Sajak penned on Twitter. Okay. That is a funny line at least. Global warming. You tell us: Does it exist?   Yes, because science No, because I choose not to believe it View Poll »

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Pat Sajak Blasts Global Warming Advocates as "Unpatriotic Racists"