Tag Archives: best-colleges

Aiding Somalia: Celebrities Who Are Leveraging Their Fame To Raise Funds

Somalia is in a deep crisis due to famine. Somalia and surrounding countries need over a billion to help remedy the situation and celebs definitely are key to raising those funds.

Here is the original post:
Aiding Somalia: Celebrities Who Are Leveraging Their Fame To Raise Funds

US News Ranks The Top 10 HBCUs (Who Was Number 1?)

US News has released their annual lists of best colleges throughout the United States, and have compiled their top 10 HBCU schools. These historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) were compared only with one another for these rankings.In order to be on the list, a school must be designated currently by the U.S. Department of Education as an HBCU. Read More At Hiphopwired.com

See the article here:
US News Ranks The Top 10 HBCUs (Who Was Number 1?)