Tag Archives: best-seller

Best Seller, Gone with the Pope, & I Am a Sex Addict: Celebrity Nudity on DVD & Blu-ray 3.24.15

It’s a really slow week in skin land thanks to those silly Hobbits, but the saving grave is some classic films making their way to Blu-ray! Hit the jump for more pics and info…

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Best Seller, Gone with the Pope, & I Am a Sex Addict: Celebrity Nudity on DVD & Blu-ray 3.24.15

Katie Price Has Something To Sell

Katie Price has got to be the greatest author of all time. Here she is launching her 10th novel. Yes, I repeat 10th!!! And like all her other book launches, she shows up dressed to impress. I have a feeling this will be a best seller solely based on her outfit. I honestly don’t know who buys her sh%t, but I hope she keeps it up because we need Katie hustling her crap at all times. » view all 24 photos           Photos: WENN.com Continue reading