Tag Archives: better-off-left

Hannah Holman Tits for Career Advancement of the Day

Her name is Hannah Holman. I have no idea who she is. I just know she’s showing titty for her modeling career, something that’s happens pretty much all the time, cuz the world is filled with pussy and out of that pussy a huge percentage is better off left dressed in their plus sized clothes and a lot of the pussy you want to see undressed…and luckily, out of the pussy you want to see undressed, a lot is willing to get naked or half naked, whether in porn, or for a low level modeling career they hope takes them to the next level….all it takes is some false promises, a dream of being famous or not working an everyday job, and a pussy that people want to hang out with, and not the kind of pussy people like us normally hang out with, unless we’re paying them, cuz sometimes those model dreams and unwillingness to be suburban and normal leads to prostition….I don’t know what I’m talking about…but I do know that here’s pussy you want to see naked getting naked to get a head and we like that quality in pussy who would probably not get naked for us in person…thanks for the tits.. FOLLOW ME ….

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Hannah Holman Tits for Career Advancement of the Day

Dita Von Teese Shitty Tits Don’t Distract from her Clown Face of the Day

Dita Von Teese is a fucking scam. Girls this ugly can’t tease me…I know they are fucking bullshit. She is ugly as fuck. She knows it but she wanted male attention, so she created a character on the internet before the internet had good looking girls, a character who was some 1940’s burlesque dancer / pin-up girl cuz it was popular for fat chicks to be into that shit at the time and it landed her in Playboy and then into the mainstream…where she makes millions doing these stage shows that are better off left dead like the bitches who actually created the shit so many years ago. It is dated. It is lesbionic and gothic. They don’t show pussy, even though she was in dyke porn before her fame hit and I fucking hate it and everything it stands for….mainly because I hate ugly chicks, with freakish bird faces…even when they show off their stupid tits to distract us. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Dita Von Teese Shitty Tits Don’t Distract from her Clown Face of the Day