Tag Archives: beyonce swimsuits

Ahead Of The Rest: Baby Has The Biggest Brain In The World! [Video]


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Ahead Of The Rest: Baby Has The Biggest Brain In The World! [Video]

Right And Tight: Beyonce Flaunts Bod For H&M Summer Collection

Beyonce Shows Off H&M Summer Collection Beyonce is back as part of her H&M campaign. Back in March it was revealed that she was the new spokesperson for H&M and she’s paying off tremendously. As the summer approaches, she’s decided to show off their swimwear (and her smokin’ goods) for the world to see: “I’ve always liked H&M’s focus on fun affordable fashion. I really loved the concept we collaborated on to explore the different emotions of women represented by the four elements – fire, water, earth and wind,” said Beyoncé. “It was a beautiful shoot on a tropical island. It felt more like making a video than a commercial.” All we heard was “blah blah blah I’m fine as hell”…Take a look.

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Right And Tight: Beyonce Flaunts Bod For H&M Summer Collection