Tag Archives: beyond-grateful

I can’t believe I finally have a moment to tell people…

I can’t believe I finally have a moment to tell people about meeting Justin Bieber. I have been trying for years, I went to so many events, entered contests and nothing was working. I had always dreamed of meeting him. I never had a plan but I always believed that one day if I kept believing like Justin said, eventually it would happen. This wasn’t the full story because there was so many details, but with what I shared, I hope my story inspires you to not give up because the outcome is so worth it.  Justin and his team are the most humble & greatest people I have ever met. They truly care about the fans and that is why they deserve all the success in the world. This flawless Tumblr has always made me excited for my moment because Justin is the sweetest to his fans and having him look into your eyes and saying he loves you is the best feeling. I love the way he treats his beliebers, I’m so proud to be one. Thank you so much to everyone for all your help and to everyone who inspired me to keep going. I will never forget this experience. I’m so beyond grateful for everything that happened. To Justin: if you see this thanks for everything you have done, you made it the best day ever. I love you.   -@ShaineDawson Follow this link: I can’t believe I finally have a moment to tell people…

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I can’t believe I finally have a moment to tell people…

Justin Bieber in Vibe: My Fans Are Crazy!!!

Yes, Justin Bieber Tweets. A lot. And he’s been known to post a picture or two dozen on Instagram. But the singer actually values his privacy, he tells the September issue of Vibe , because “there are a lot of people in this world that aren’t good people.” “All they need to do is a little research,” Bieber elaborates, touching on past incidents. “People hiding in garbage cans overnight to catch [pictures] of me. Crazy things happen. You can’t give out too much personal information.”