Tag Archives: bigger-role

Today on Planet 100: Top 5 Videos Starring Polar Bears (Video)

Today on Planet 100: Top 5 Videos Starring Polar Bears (Video)

Hello Electric Wants to Give BP CEO Tony Hayward an Electric Car

Image: Hello Electric Nice PR Coup! For a few years, BP (originally British Petroleum) has tried to rebrand itself as “Beyond Petroleum”. The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has made obvious that BP was far from being beyond oil (though beyond the pale, at times), but it’s never too late to start. A group called Hello Electric wants to give an electric car to Tony Hayward, who will soon step down as BP CEO, along with a letter encouraging him to become an EV ambassador. Read on for more det… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Hello Electric Wants to Give BP CEO Tony Hayward an Electric Car

Black Carbon Soot’s Climate Warming Effect May Be Canceled by Its Increasing Cloud Production

photo: Jose Roberto V Moraes via flickr In the past eighteen months or so there’s been a greater acknowledgment that black carbon soot , from burning fossil fuels and biomass , plays a bigger role in increasing global warming and glacier melting than we had thought. Well, a new paper in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (hat tip… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Black Carbon Soot’s Climate Warming Effect May Be Canceled by Its Increasing Cloud Production