Tag Archives: bikini-climber

Bikini Climber Dies After 65-Foot Fall; GiGi Wu Was 36

GiGi Wu was known as the Bikini Climber by her fans all over the world. Tragically, after a serious fall on her latest and final hike, she was unable to walk or even move. Wu died before rescue could arrive. Fans all over the world are mourning. GiGi Wu was a 36-year-old Taiwanese woman known as the “Bikini Climber.” She earned this moniker from her famous habit of mountain-climbing while wearing a bikini. Her latest adventure was a 25-day hike. It would also be her last. Taiwan News reports that Wu sutmbled and fell into a ravine in Central Taiwan’s Yushan Mountain. She dropped 65 feet. The injuries to Wu’s leg were severe enough that she was unable to walk or even move. She was able to call for help … but unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. Rescuers were unable to reach her for some time due to dangerous weather conditions. It was nearly 28 hours later when rescuers were able to airlift her out of the ravine. Tragically, Wu was pronounced dead. Her cause of death has not yet been confirmed. Many have (not unreasonably) assumed that Wu died from exposure to the elements. More than a day out in the cold could be bad on anyone. Spending more than a day injured in a ravine, underdressed, in weather too dangerous for rescuers to reach you? That sounds horrifying. We should also keep in mind that her serious injuries would have been a strong contributing factor. GiGi Wu’s story and photos touched the hearts and minds of counltess climbing enthusiasts all over the world. When the news of her death first broke, the comments on her photos on Facebook were flooded with comments. “Thank you for bringing us countless beautiful scenery, blessings to your soul,” writes one mourner. “In the eyes of people who like climbing, you are a standard, professional climber, admirable!” comments another. That same commenter concludes: “Be an angel in your favorite mountain forest.” Those are some truly beautiful, heartwarming sentiments. There is no method of climbing mountains or hiking that is entirely risk-free. There are, however, steps to mitigate your risks and dangers. Usually, the best tool that you can have in your belt is experience. Wu had no shortage of that. Remember, this tragedy took place during a 25-day hike . We do not know what sort of equipment she may have had (aside from her bikini) with her, but it is almost impossible to “prepare” for a deadly fall. Everything about this story is heartbreaking. Our thoughts go out to Wu’s friends, family, loved ones, and to her fans. They are all grieving and mourning at this time as they grapple with this sudden loss, and the concept of Wu’s final hours.

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Bikini Climber Dies After 65-Foot Fall; GiGi Wu Was 36