Tag Archives: birthday-boobs

The Most Inappropriate Kylie Jenner Photos Ever Posted

Kylie Jenner is 18 years old at last. Thank goodness. She is free to date Tyga and field eight-figure Kylie Jenner sex tape offers like there is no tomorrow. And you? You are free to ogle these images . Most of which were taken when she was 17, or even younger than that, so it's still kind of creepy if you think about it, but, well … Legal is as legal does now. And she clearly wanted you to drool over her rapidly changing body from the very beginning anyway. So just enjoy.   1. Kylie Jenner: Birthday Boobs! Tyga posted an incredibly racy photo of Kylie Jenner to celebrate her birthday. Yes, it’s racy even by Kylie’s standards. 2. Kylie Jenner Cleavage Close-Up This is a close-up of Kylie Jenner’s cleavage. Keep in disturbing mind: the star is only 17 years old here. 3. Kylie Jenner with Blue Hair Kylie Jenner is on her phone in this Instagram photo. She’s also showing off blue hair and a lot of cleavage. 4. Kylie Jenner Body This is Kylie Jenner’s body these days. Not what your typical 17-year-old looks or dresses like, that’s for sure. 5. Kylie Jenner Thighbrow Of course Kylie had to get in on the thighbrow trend. She even did hers standing up. 6. Kylie Jenner Tiger Toy Image Kylie held a tiger toy up to her crotch during a recent photoshoot. We think it might be her subtle way of saying she’s banging Tyga. View Slideshow

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The Most Inappropriate Kylie Jenner Photos Ever Posted