Tag Archives: birthday-https

Turn Up Tots: North West And Penelope Disick Go Hard For P’s 5th Birthday

WENN North West And Penelope Disick Make Big Party Plans https://instagram.com/p/BWTPTlolDGX/?taken-by=kimkardashian Kim Kardashian’s daughter North has had a best friend since birth in her older cousin Penelope Disick. This weekend P turned five and North was right by her side to celebrate. Cute right? https://instagram.com/p/BWSvUGxlvhw/?taken-by=kimkardashian Gotta love it when you got so much money your kids play in shoes that cost more than some folks rent, riiiight? Hit the flip for more from P’s birthday. https://instagram.com/p/BWSvR9VFaPM/?taken-by=krisjenner If you didn’t already know P. is about that Mermaid life. https://instagram.com/p/BWUKhR5DrWU/?taken-by=kourtneykardash https://instagram.com/p/BWUJ8dNjm35/?taken-by=kourtneykardash https://instagram.com/p/BWTQ7iXjzSN/?taken-by=kourtneykardash https://instagram.com/p/BWTQ6tWjd9M/?taken-by=kourtneykardash

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Turn Up Tots: North West And Penelope Disick Go Hard For P’s 5th Birthday

Happy Birthday Northie! KimYe’s Swirly Seed Turns Four

(Photo by Rich Fury/Forum Photos via Getty Images) North West Turns Four Today Kim Kardashian West posted this sweet video tribute to her daughter North West today on her app , celebrating her fourth birthday. https://youtu.be/hTqvdjkQf5U Happy birthday to my mini me! I can’t believe you are 4 already. I love you so much, Northie! We can only imagine the havoc that must be the Kardashian-West household considering Kimmy Cakes has to contend with not one, but two crazy Geminis in the family! Hit the flip for some birthday love from Lovey (Grandma Kris Jenner) https://instagram.com/p/BVXJkCDlsIo/?taken-by=krisjenner

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Happy Birthday Northie! KimYe’s Swirly Seed Turns Four

Happy Birthday Northie! KimYe’s Swirly Seed Turns Four

(Photo by Rich Fury/Forum Photos via Getty Images) North West Turns Four Today Kim Kardashian West posted this sweet video tribute to her daughter North West today on her app , celebrating her fourth birthday. https://youtu.be/hTqvdjkQf5U Happy birthday to my mini me! I can’t believe you are 4 already. I love you so much, Northie! We can only imagine the havoc that must be the Kardashian-West household considering Kimmy Cakes has to contend with not one, but two crazy Geminis in the family! Hit the flip for some birthday love from Lovey (Grandma Kris Jenner) https://instagram.com/p/BVXJkCDlsIo/?taken-by=krisjenner

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Happy Birthday Northie! KimYe’s Swirly Seed Turns Four